Scheduled maintenance on Nov. 5th - 7th
Maintenance work is scheduled on end of October Nov. 5th - 7th.
Please refrain from editing pages on this period.
Updated: 2024-11-11 11:30:00
The maintenance has been completed.
Scheduled maintenance on May 29th
Maintenance work is scheduled on end of May May 29th.
Please refrain from editing pages on this day.
Updated: 2024-05-29 11:30:00
The maintenance has been completed as scheduled.
Scheduled maintenance on Mar. 13th
Maintenance work is scheduled for March 13. Please refrain from editing pages on this day.
The maintenance has been completed as scheduled.
The size of media that can be uploaded and the number of media that can be uploaded at one time have been capped.
KMI Document Server has been set up
We set up Indico for KMI Document Server.
For now, editing privileges are limited because there are still some features we would like to check. Please contact the KMI Public Relations Office if you plan to use this service during the fiscal year.