5–7 Mar 2025 Conference
Nagoya University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

NINJA experiment and novel neutrino activities using nuclear emulsion

5 Mar 2025, 16:50
Sakata and Hirata Hall (Nagoya University)

Sakata and Hirata Hall

Nagoya University

Science South bulding, Furo-cho, Chikusa, Nagoya, Aichi, 464-8602, Japan


Tsutomu Fukuda (Nagoya University)


We are advancing the NINJA experiment at J-PARC using nuclear emulsion to study low-energy neutrinos in the Sub-Multi GeV range. Currently, we are conducting a physics run aimed at the precise measurement of neutrino-water interactions, which is crucial for reducing systematic uncertainties in long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments that test CP symmetry violation in the lepton sector. In this presentation, I will report on the status of this experiment. Additionally, we are developing techniques for detecting alpha and beta rays in nuclear emulsion to explore neutrinoless double-beta decay and to study rocks for precise measurement of geoneutrinos. I would also like to introduce these new initiatives.

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