13–16 Feb 2024 Workshop
KMI Science Symposia
Asia/Tokyo timezone

On the feasibility of the single phase liquid xenon proportional scintillation counter for low-energy nuclear recoil based physics searches

14 Feb 2024, 14:35
ES635 (KMI Science Symposia)


KMI Science Symposia


Jianyang Qi (UCSD)Prof. Kaixuan Ni (University of California San Diego)


Liquid phase xenon electroluminescence allows us to achieve a perfect extraction efficiency by eliminating the liquid-gas interface, at the cost of having a low single-electron gain. For low-energy searches, we are concerned with the discrimination between electronic and nuclear recoils (ER and NR), as well as the single-electron background. In this talk, we shall show evidence that ER/NR discrimination can be maintained even with a low single-electron gain, but that the single-electron background following a large ionization signal is still present and characteristically similar to that of the dual phase xenon TPCs.

Presentation materials