5–7 Mar 2025 Conference
Nagoya University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Status and prospect of the J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment

5 Mar 2025, 16:00
Sakata and Hirata Hall (Nagoya University)

Sakata and Hirata Hall

Nagoya University

Science South bulding, Furo-cho, Chikusa, Nagoya, Aichi, 464-8602, Japan


Kazuhito Suzuki (KMI, Nagoya University)


The J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment aims to measure the muon magnetic moment anomaly (a_μ = (g-2)/2) and to search for the muon electric dipole moment, with sensitivity comparable to the highest in the world. This will be achieved using a small-emittance muon beam, created by cooling muons and accelerating them with a multi-stage linac. The experimental approach significantly differs from the previous measurements conducted in BNL E821 and Fermilab E989. As seen in the recent theoretical advancements in studying a_μ through various approaches, the J-PARC measurement will enhance our experimental understanding of a_μ and its deviation from theoretical predictions. The experiment, planned to begin commissioning in 2029, is currently progressing with the development and implementation of experimental instruments and facility construction. Notably, the first-stage acceleration of cooled muons has been successfully demonstrated at J-PARC. This talk will present the current status and future prospects of the experiment.

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