3–5 Dec 2024
Nagoya University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

We would like to invite you to the Future of Artificial Intelligence for Science in Japan (FAIRS-Japan) workshop planned for later this year.

  • When: December 3rd to 5th (Tuesday - Thursday)
  • Where: Kobayashi Masalawa Institute (KMI) at Nagoya University
  • What: building the future vision for the impactful Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML)  research in the area of target “domain science” in Japan including neutrino physics, cosmology/astrophysics, and Accelerator physics.


Our goal:

There have been rapid advancements in AI/ML research and their use is widely spread in science. However, the research directions and prioritization is not always clear. We believe it can immensely beneficial for the community to get together and discuss:

  • Key "domain science" research challenges that are best addressed using AI/ML
  • Potential/promising AI/ML techniques that can address those challenges


While the workshop aims to build the future scientific AI/ML research in Japan, we certainly will incorporate/learn similar ongoing efforts outside Japan. Ultimately, we would like to:

  • Build the AI/ML research directions in each science domain for the next 5 years: itemized/prioritized list of science challenges in the target domain science communities in Japan and potential AI/ML research development to address them.


Nagoya University

Organizing Committee

  • Yoshitaka Itow (KMI, Nagoya University)
  • Jia Liu (Kavli IPMU)
  • Hirokazu Maesaka (RIKEN)
  • Hironao Miyatake (KMI, Nagoya University)
  • Atsushi J. Nishizawa (Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University)
  • Takashi Obina (KEK)
  • Patrick de Perio (Kavli IPMU)
  • Daniel Ratner (SLAC)
  • Kiyomi Seiya (KEK)
  • Kazuhiro Terao (SLAC)
  • Leander Thiele (Kavli IPMU)
Registration for this event is currently open.